#025 Red IPA included in Crafty Pint's Best New Victorian Beers of 2021

Fortunately for us, Grum loves to make Red IPA because he is bloody good at it. Turns out Crafty is a fan too as our latest release of the style made the list of Best New Victorian Beers of 2021. We're pretty chuffed to be on such an esteemed list alongside some absolute rippers and RIPAs too. 

"When done well, aren’t red IPAs delicious? The sort of coming together of rich malts, heaps of hops, and firm bitterness that baby beers probably look at and go: “That’s what I want to be when I grow up. Exit’s #025 Red IPA was another showcase of their ability to hit the sweet spot."

Check out the full list here or read Crafty's full review of the #025 Red IPA here.